
A Smart Mailbox For All Your Home Delivery Needs.

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A Smart Mailbox For All Your Home Delivery Needs.


What is DeliverED Home?

DeliverED Home is a smart mailbox built to make home deliveries as easy as the push of a button. Our device handles all your home deliveries, securely holding them right outside your door until you’re ready to collect. No more staying at home waiting, no more communal lockers – this mailbox is designed with homeowners in mind.

Video 1: Our Product Pitch
Video 2: Our Ad
Simple Drop-offs

We know that couriers are on a tight schedule, and don’t want to deal with complex mailboxes in the middle of a shift. DeliverED Home allows couriers to drop off parcels with the push of a button, while keeping the rest of your parcels safe and unreachable, just in case.

Real-Time Notifications

Get real-time alerts with our DeliverED app. Know when a parcel has arrived, when your device is low on charge, and when your mailbox is full. Our app also provides multiple security alerts, so you can rest easy knowing your parcels will be safe when you return home.

Secure Compartment

Once a parcel has been dropped into the mailbox, it is transferred into a separate secure compartment, only accessible via our DeliverED app. Parcel security is extremely important to us, and so is your trust in us.

UV Sanitation

Even without COVID-19, there are hundreds of bugs and diseases that could be picked up by your parcels during delivery. DeliverED Home comes with safe built-in UV sanitation, so you don’t have to worry about bringing germs into your home.

Long Battery Life

All DeliverED devices come with a long-lasting battery, and an in-built safety mechanism to ensure that even if your device runs out of charge, your parcels will be protected. Our app will notify you when your battery is low, and we provide cheap and easy battery replacement services.

Tamper Proof

All our devices are made of tough materials, making them both tamper and weather resistant. Our mailboxes fit securely to your wall or floor, preventing theft, and giving you total peace of mind. This coupled with real-time security alerts via our App gives you what we hope to be total confidence in the safety of your parcels.

Did you know...

... that 90,000 packages disappear DAILY1 in New York alone? And that between 2016 and 2019, package thefts rose by 22%2 in the UK? With more and more of us shopping online every day, this form of theft has become a significant problem worldwide. At DeliverED, we worry about this FOR you, so you don’t have to. But that’s not all – recent surveys have shown that 84% of shoppers are unlikely to re-use a brand after a bad delivery experience3. By protecting your parcels and ensuring a quick and easy delivery experience for couriers, we aim to greatly improve the delivery experience – for everyone.

Market Research
Market Research


The Safetly Letterbox Company LTD.

  • Made with commercial or residential building owners in mind
  • Larger mailboxes for more general use
  • No sanitization

Yale Smart Delivery Box

Yale, Assa Abloy Residential Group

  • No secure compartment in their design
  • Unlocked via keypad
  • Remains unlocked until a delivery is made, then auto-locks
  • No sanitization

Amazon Locker

Amazon.com, Inc.

  • "Go and Collect" service which may be available in an area close to you
  • 3 calendar days to pick up your parcel
  • Only items dispatched by Amazon are eligible for delivery to and collection from a Locker
  • No sanitization
Future Developments
Future Developments
Expanding Our Customer Base
At DeliverED, catering to everyone’s needs, not just homeowners, is something that we would love to accomplish. We eventually aim to launch other targeted mailboxes – for example, DeliverED Office and DeliverED School.
Full Customisation
We aim to make all our mailboxes 100% tailored to you. We plan to provide an extensive range of colours and sizes, so that no matter what, we have something for you.

How It Works

System Summary

All functionalities of our mailboxes are managed within either the physical device, or by our app. The human interaction process for a package delivery via our devices is as follows. First, the courier opens the delivery compartment, places a package inside, and pushes a clearly labelled “Deliver” button on the top of the device. The package is then dropped into a secure compartment. Internally, the delivery process is as follows:

  1. Deliver button is pushed and delivery door locked.
  2. Internal lift is raised to its maximum height, taking into account existing packages. This height is detected via an infrared sensor on the inside.
  3. Trapdoor is unlocked, dropping the package a very short distance onto the lift platform.
  4. Internal lift is lowered all the way down.
  5. Trapdoor is closed, and the delivery door unlocks.
Inside the Mailbox

The DeliverED Home mailbox is made up of two sections – the delivery compartment and the secure compartment. The delivery section is the top door of the device where packages can be placed inside by couriers. This section can be locked by the app to prevent deliveries if you’re not expecting any, and when the mailbox is full. The secure section is where your packages are stored, accessible via the bottom door. This door is always locked, unless opened via the DeliverED app or emergency manual key. Inside you will find your packages neatly piled up on top of a lift mechanism that is used during the delivery process. How to perform actions using the app is detailed under The App.

Video 1: The Collapsible Door
Video 2: The Forklift
Video 3: Lock/Unlock Secure Compartment
Functionality Breakdown
Figure 0: All Components
Figure 1: Particle Photon
Figure 5: Bascule Collapsible Door
Figure 2: Solenoid Lock
Figure 6: 8-Way AA Battery Supply
Figure 3: Yale Key Lock
Figure 4: Forklift
Particle Photon Microcontroller: (See Figure 1) The brains of the device, this tiny IoT device communicates with the cloud to allow you to talk to your mailbox from the DeliverED app. It is fixed below the lift, and you will find many internal wires connected to it.

Collapsible Floor: (See Figure 5) The floor of the delivery section works as a trapdoor, consisting of some rotating shafts and a spring mechanism. When released, a package falls through to the secure section.

Lift Mechanism: (See Figure 4) The moving platform is attached to the back of the device, where a Lego EV3 motor powers several shafts which rotate to move two tank-style tracks up and down. The platform is attached to these, moving with them.

Solenoid: (See Figure 2) There are two of these in the system, one for each door. They function as the locks on the device, controlled electronically to either pull in or push out a small metal rod which controls the state of the doors.

Infrared Sensor: (See Figure 4) These are used to detect when a package is in the way, allowing for internal calculations of when to stop the platform from rising any further.

Yale key mechanism: (See Figure 3) This functions as the emergency manual unlock for the secure section. When the correct key is inserted, the door is unlocked. This overrides any signal being given to the solenoid and is primarily used if the system has run out of power.

8-Way AA Power Supply: (See Figure 6) This is what powers the the Particle Photon and all the components of the mailbox - the infrared sensors, the solenoid lock, the forklift and the collapsible door.

Delivery button: This is visible on the outside of the device and is a simple button that when pressed sends a signal to the Photon. This triggers a function within the device that begins the delivery sequence so long as it also detects that the delivery door is locked.
The App

Since our users will control and use our mailboxes entirely through our app, we have taken care to make our User Interface as accessible and usable as possible, to ensure that our device is optimised for use by everyone. We have taken care to make everyday actions like unlocking and locking your mailbox as easy as possible, with little to no app navigation necessary. Our blue and green colour scheme gives our users a sense of security, which is extremely important when trusting an automated machine to handle personal parcels.

Our app communicates directly with our mailboxes via a particle photon. Each mailbox has its own photon, with a unique ID used to identify and register your device. This connection facilitates all sensors and actions carried out by the physical device. Photons communicate via the cloud, so there is no need for us to be storing any personal data of our users, which we believe is a huge selling point for our devices.
The major use cases of our app are detailed below:

Figure 7: Android App Screens
Managing Your Account

Logging In (See items 1 and 2)
Before you can control a device, you need to create an account with us! To do this, we ask you to log into our app using your Google account. Since you are using an Android phone, your phone should remember your login details! If you don’t want to use this account, you can choose to log in with a new existing Google account, or create a new one (if you have already made an account with us, just login using the same Google account).

By logging in, you agree to our Privacy Policy
Upon successfully logging in you will be brought to the Device Manager/Home Screen. This is where you can view all the devices (mailboxes) you have connected to your account. If you have just created your account, you will see no devices here yet!

Logging Out / Switching Account (See item 3)
If you wish to log out of the app, or switch accounts, navigate to your Profileby tapping the avatar (right-most) icon on the navigation bar located at the bottom of your screen. Then tap ‘Log out’ and confirm your action! You will be brought back to the login screen.

Managing Your Devices

Navigate to the Home Screen by tapping the home (left-most) icon on the navigation bar located at the bottom of your screen.

Adding A Delivered Home Mailbox (See items 4 and 5)
To add a new mailbox, tap the ‘Add Device’ button and scan the QR code . This will grab the mailbox’s ID and autofill the necessary information all for you! Alternatively, you can type in the ID yourself. Now that you have the device credentials, you can save these options and operate your new mailbox!

Removing A Delivered Home Mailbox (See items 6, 7 and 8)

Proceed with caution
Choose the mailbox you wish to proceed with and then, tap the red ‘Remove Device’ button and confirm your action. You will now see your device is removed from your Home Screen!

Accepting Your Deliveries (See items 6, 7 and 9)
In order to accept deliveries, you must keep the ‘Delivery Door’ unlocked. To do so, choose the mailbox you wish to proceed with and tap the ‘Open’ button. Your mailbox is now ready to accept deliveries!

Prevent Deliveries (See items 6, 7 and 9)
In order to accept deliveries, you must keep the ‘Delivery Door’ locked. To do so, choose the mailbox you wish to proceed with and tap the ‘Close’ button. Your mailbox is now ready to accept deliveries!

Accessing Your Deliveries (See items 6 and 10)
Choose the mailbox you wish to proceed with and then tap ‘Unlock’. You will now be able to open the delivery door and collect your parcel!
Important: Remember to lock your device again by tapping ‘Lock’ located beside ‘Unlock’!

Change Your Device Name (See items 6, 7, 11)
Choose the mailbox you wish to proceed with and tap the textbox beside ‘Device name’. Now simply type in what you like! Tap the ‘Save’ button located underneath the users to submit

Remove A User With Access To Your Device (See items 6, 7, 12)
Choose the mailbox you wish to proceed with, then tap the checkbox beside a users name. Tap ‘Save’ button located underneath the users to confirm their removal.

Mailbox Notifications (See item 13)

Navigate to the Notifications by tapping the bell (middle) icon on the navigation bar located at the bottom of your screen. You can dismiss notifications by swiping them to the left and filter notifications by device via the dropdown!

Help (See items 14 and 15)

To find help at any time, tap the at the top right of your screen. Here you can scroll through FAQs and read our full user guide. If you still need help, contact our user support via the text box at the bottom!

Figure 8: Leaflet (Front)
Figure 9: Leaflet (Back)


Real Build Breakdown
Real Build Breakdown
The Walls

For the walls of the mailbox, we can use stainless steel1. This will prove to be both sturdy and weather resistant. It is corrosion and erosion resistant, and it will not be easy to cut through. We can also paint it, giving customers an option to customise their mailbox. The price related to this can be ascertained after meeting with our potential production partners.

Movable Platform

We can build the movable platform using stainless steel as well. We will probably have to use more powerful motors as compared to the ones we are using in the workshop. The price related to this can be ascertained after meeting with our potential production partners.

Handyperson for installation

We suggest 2 people for 2 hours for installing the smart mailbox according to the customers’ preference. The average hourly rate of a handyman is £11.712. So the total installation fee will be £46.84.

UV Sterilizer LED

We expect there to be 2 such LEDs (110 V, US) on 2 opposite walls (the ones adjacent to the access doors). The total comes to £24.02 (£12.01 each)3.


All materials for the lock are expected to remain the same, although upon a future round of testing (hypothetically) if we find that the locks are not sturdy enough to withstand brute force, we might have to look at certain improvements, although the core mechanisms stay the same. The cost for building the current electromagnetic locks have been included in the budget.

Bascule trap door / collapsible platform

This platform separates the drop-off area and the secure compartment. We can use RSPro struts, which are £41 per metre and angle joints for RSPro struts, which are £5 each4.

Particle Photon

The IoT computer responsible for taking commands from our app and controlling the mailbox.

Power Supply

As apposed to the 8-way AA power supply we're currently using in our prototype, we would use a LIPO Battery 11.1V 1800mAh LB-0125. This would provide us with the long battery life we desired.

Development Breakdown
Development Breakdown

Over the course of development, changes were made to our original vision of the project which significantly impacted our budget. Some of the smaller changes included adding extra sensors, such as infrared, which was a decision made after the initial planning process. The updated budget also takes technical time into account, which was something we were unsure of our ability to use at the stage of Demo 1, as we were considering using solely Webots simulation and no physical hardware.

A more significant design change was going from our initial idea of a scissor lift to a forklift, to handle the inner platform of the mailbox. One of the huge deciding factors of this, other than the obvious hardware limitations, was the fact that even folded down all the way, the scissor lift would take up a significant portion of the height of the mailbox, reducing its ability to hold parcels. The forklift on the other hand is simply a moving platform, and takes up significantly less room. It is also a lot easier to use infrared sensors with a forklift, as there is only one moving component, and no supporting scaffolding.

Some of the potential security risks involved with our product came to our attention later in development, which led us to rethink our door locking mechanisms. Our initial plan was a magnetic lock, which is something we have stuck with, but we have now taken care to include a heavy-duty deadbolt lock as well, which would act in the event of power failure. This is to prevent an unpowered mailbox being left unlocked and at risk.

Item # Cost (£GBP)
Item # Cost (£GBP)
Lift Motor 1 27.05
6mm+8mm Bright Steel Round Bar 1 15.00
MDF (per 8ft x 6ft x 12mm sheet) 1 11.00
12mm Thk T6 Aluminium Plate 1 10.00
3D printed material (5p per gram) 1 2.50
ON Semi PN2222ATA NPN Transistor 4 0.80
ON Semi 2N4403TA PNP Transistor 2 0.16
Nichicon 1F Electrolytic Capacitor 1 0.75
Vishay 50V 1A, Diode 1N4001-E3/54 4 0.80
Custom PCB 1 2.00
Steel Plates 6 45.00
UV Sterilizer LED 2 18.30
Door Spindle 1 8.40
Magnetic Lock 1 7.00
6mm Springs 4 12.00
Particle Photon 1 14.34
TOTAL - 175.10
Table 2: Demo 1 Cost Breakdown
Item # Cost (£GBP)
Item # Cost (£GBP)
Metal Work [Lock] 2 20.00
Standard Deadbolt Lock 2 50.00
Solenoid 2 50.00
Electronics And Wiring [Lock] - 10.00
Motor [Fork Lift] 1 35.00
Lego Set [Fork Lift] 1 15.00
Motor Board [Fork Lift] 1 10.00
Basic Sensors - 10.00
Advanced Sensors - 30.00
Encoder Board [Fork Lift] 1 10.00
Miscellaneous [Fork Lift] - 10.00
Particle Photon 1 18.67
Technician time [Fork Lift] - 3 hours*
TOTAL - 258.67
Table 3: Demo 4 Cost Breakdown (*Technician time budget is in hours, not £GBP)


Meet our team! We are the group of 8 Informatics students behind the development of DeliverED Home, studying at The Univeristy of Edinburgh. Feel free to contact us via our social media links below!

Members and Roles
Members and Roles

Hallelujah Kebede        

Software Engineer

Harry Lennox                

Hardware Engineer

Hrichika Nag                 

Hardware Engineer,
Market Research

Chris Perceval-Maxwell

UI & Graphic Design,
Co-Product Manager

Amy Rafferty               

UI Design,
Co-Product Manager

Huacheng Song           

UI Design,
Software Engineer

Yizhou Yang                

Software Engineer

Neo Zhu                      

Webots Engineer

Development Tools
Development Tools
Microsoft Teams

We used Microsoft Teams to host meetings and exchange files quickly within our Channel provided by the SDP-21 Team. We also used the 'Chats' feature to create small rooms for sub-teams (Design, Software and Hardware) to discuss their tasks. The SDP-21 Team 'General' channel also provided us with updates quickly and was used to host workshops. Experts had their own channels where we could organise meetings with them.

Google Docs

We used Google Docs to draft sections of our reports together before transfering them to LaTeX on Overleaf. It is much easier to review edit history and watch current changes occuring on Google Docs as opposed to Overleaf.


We used Overleaf to collaborate on our report submissions for the Project Plan and each Demo. the course organisors provided us with templates to fill in.


We used Trello to manage our tasks. We approached development with an AGILE strategy, so Trello was very useful as it allowed us to create boards to move tasks between them; the columns being: Backlog, In Progress and Complete.


We used GitHub to host our code and version control. GitHub allowed many people to collaborate remotely on the same projects and manage conflicts of code - we hosted all our repositories in our GitHub Organisation. There is also the added benefit of reverting to old commits if something breaks or if data is lost.

Figure 1: Project Plan Gantt Chart

As you can see from the Gantt charts in this section, there were some time alterations necessary for our initial plan. In the first demo, we had initially planned to design the website UI, and start designing sections of the app UI. We ended up with a fully designed and partially implemented app UI, as well as a rough design of our website. In terms of our Webots simulation, we had a basic model, which is what we had planned.

In demo 2, since we were already ahead in terms of our app, we were able to get a fully functioning app front-end, and start testing out the UI. We had initially only planned to have some basic functionalities like navigation at this stage, so this was a huge success by the group. In our initial plan, there was no real mention of commissioning hardware, as we didn’t know if that was something we could do. We ended up commissioning our magnetic lock in this demo, and deciding against using a camera on the front of our device for security reasons. In terms of Webots, we had a simulation showing our device mainframe, which was what we had planned.

Figure 2: Demo 4 Gantt Chart

The third demo was more about hardware, and getting our app to communicate with our various components. In our initial plan we mentioned WiFi/Bluetooth module installation, and this ended up coming about in the form of the particle photon, which we installed in this demo. We also commissioned our forklift, and performed testing on the components we had at this stage. We started looking at app-device connectivity, and managed to get a button on our app to turn a LED on a particle photon on/off. This showed real-world interaction which we planned to develop in demo 4. We updated our Webots simulation to include infrared sensors, and updated our website according to plan. There were also revisions to our app UI in response to accessibility and usability workshops, which we could not have foreseen in our initial planning stages. We also created an advertisement video, which we were not initially planning to do.

The final demo was about getting everything ready to present. We completed our app, website and Webots simulation as planned, but with some minor deviations. We spent time completing QR code scanning for our app, stress testing both our app and simulation, and updating our app UI for further usability changes. These were things we thought to do later in the process, which is why they were not in the initial plan. We also completed our robot-app communication implementation and testing, and performed extensive tests on the hardware components we had commissioned.



This section contains the results and justifications behind all tests we have performed on our product. This includes tests on our physical hardware, Webots simulation, and app. We have also carried out user testing on our App UI, which is also detailed in this section.

Hardware Testing
Hardware Testing

We tested the open/closed state of our solenoid by both operating it with our microcontroller and manipulating it manually, then checking the sensor readings for whether they reflect it being pulled in or pushed out. On average, the readings were accurate 4/5 times. We suspect that the sensor readings are not entirely accurate due to some noise present in them. We ran a similar test after manipulating our latch and the latch sensor returned expected values between 3/5 and 4/5 times, with some noise accounting for 1 or 2 unexpected readings. For each case, we changed states (i.e., between 0 and 1) 5 times[1]. When returning the state of the above components to the app, we look at readings in groups of 5. If 3 or more readings are the same, we report the state that corresponds to the majority reading.

Our remote technition was present at the lab to confirm that our solenoid was working as expected at all points, which means that it was pulled in at our "on" command and pushed out at our "off" command (as was implemented using the microcontroller).

We also tested our secure compartment mechanisms which included a forklift driven by a motor and two infrared sensors. One sensor (s1) is at the top of the compartment (at 33 cm), pointing across it and mounted onto a wall adjacent to the doors. The other sensor (s2) is at the bottom of the compartment, pointing upwards. If s1 returns less than 19 cm (width of the compartment),then we know a parcel has entered the secure compartment. Readings from s2 let us know the distance of the moving platform from the floor.

We ran 30 iterations of the movable platform’s upward and downward movement to decide on thresholds of when it should stop. The forklift is about 48 cm high. To allow for the parcel some space to enter the secure compartment and drop into the platform, we stop it at 31-32 cm when going up. We want to stop the platform at a 4-5 cm distance from the floor to avoid it ramming into the sensor s2 when going down.

We ran 5 iterations of dropping a single parcel into the movable platform. It stopped after moving down far enough to clear s1’s ’line of vision’ 100% of the time. We ran another 5 iterations with multiple boxes (3), placed one after the other. The forklift moved down as expected 100% of the time. Upon placing a parcel such that s1 returned a reading of less than 19 cm while the moving platform was at 4 cm from the ground, it did not move down any further, which is the desired behaviour. In this state, we are able to raise a flag of "Mailbox is full".

We also had to allow for a little noise in our infrared sensors. Sensor s1 gives a reading which sometimes varies between 19 and 20 cm while there is no parcel. We take the lower threshold, i.e., 19 cm, to check against. This worked well for our above test cases. Sensor s2 gives a similar varying reading, which is why we allowed a 1 cm interval when deciding the thresholds as discussed previously.

Simulation Testing
Simulation Testing

We ran multiple test for the Webots simulation in order to ensure its robustness and investigate its capacity. Even though its simulation testing, in order to present a real-life scenario, the parcel size and process are strictly following the maximum standard of Royal Mail UK Parcels Size and Weight. The length of UV sanitation differs based on parcel size after research (Hiroki Kitagawa, et al.).

From the experiments we could tell that for the current size of the mailbox (75cm*75cm*100cm), it could take 12 max-size letters, or 5 max-size small parcels, or 1 max-size medium parcel. Blueprints and actual simulations are provided as screenshots. Though the large size parcel cannot be put into our mailbox, according to Royal Mail standard, large parcel has a length of 1.5 meters, such large parcels (e.g. television, furniture, etc.) are better to be handled in person, which is not considered as our product initiative.

Parcel Type Total Parcels Total Volume (L)
Parcel Type Total Parcels Total Volume
Letters 12 132
Small 5 125
Medium 1 129
Table 1: Evaluation of maximum capacity of different size parcels
Parcel Type Volume (L) Process Time* Error (Y/N)
Parcel Type Volume (L) Process Time* Error (Y/N)
Letter 2.2 5 + 10 N
Small 25 7 + 20 N
Medium 129 10 + 30 N
Large 3375 N/A Y (Too big)
Table 2: Evaluation of different size parcels (*Process Time is denoted as conveying + UV sanitation)
Software Testing
Software Testing

We used Monkey to test the robustness and stability of our Android application. Memory usage and coherence between different classes was considered. The table on the right contains testing of all the functionalities of the application and their testing results.

In the test, we found that some functions are highly dependent on the quality of the network. When the network delay is high or the connection is unstable, the functions trying to send HTTP Post will be blocked. At the beginning of the design, if the function corresponding to a button cannot be finished due to network reasons, it will cause the button to be temporarily inaccessible. This is to prevent excessive touches from causing the entire application to become unresponsive. In specific use, although the user cannot touch the functions that are being used, he can touch functions that have not yet been used, such as the navigation bar. The results of the stress test show that the application performs well when it does not involve frequent page switching, but if frequent page switching is performed, some functions will occupy a considerable amount of memory. This is because the App uses a polling method to update the data, and the data on the entire page will re-send the HTTP command to Particle Photon every time it is re-entered. When the data is obtained, the page will not be refreshed immediately, but will be automatically refreshed after the user leaves the page or the page is static for a period of time. Before entering the new interface, the application will also try to obtain updated data.

Function Test # of Tests Error Rate
Function Test # of Tests Error Rate
Notifications Locked 1000 1.2%
Unocked 1000 0.8%
Received Parcel 1000 0%
Compartment Full 1000 0%
Low Charge 1000 0%
No Charge 1000 0%
Location Changed 1000 0%
Connect 1000 0%
Disconnect from Device 1000 0%
Paired with Device 1000 2.5%
Remove Device 1000 4.8%
Home Page Lock Device 1000 0%
Unlock Device 1000 0%
Add Device 1000 0%
Remove Device 1000 0%
Device Full Details 1000 0%
Devices (Home) Page Lock Device 1000 0%
Unlock Device 1000 0%
Remove Device 1000 5%
Account Page User Guide 1000 0%
Log Out 1000 2%
Navigation Bar Home Page 1000 5.3%
Notifications Page 1000 1.2%
Navigation Page 1000 7.7%
Table 3: Android App Stress Testing
Usability Testing
Usability Testing

For our usability testing, we had 5 participants, 2 of whom were native English speakers while 3 were non-native English speakers. While 3 of them were from within the Systems Design Project course, 2 of them were from outside of the School of Informatics. All of them were students at the University of Edinburgh. Maintaining a balanced mix of both native and non-native English speakers as well as students with and without a technical background helped us shed some light onto how different people would interact with our app.

The testing was conducted as a recorded video call with each of the participants, where they were given access to our app’s user interface through a rendering on Figma. We described our project to them and how the app ties with the hardware. They were then asked to perform certain tasks using the app and rate how difficult it was for them to complete the tasks. We also noted some useful comments while analysing the participant’s interaction with our app. At the end we asked them some general questions and documented their feedback.

The tasks were:

  1. Login and view your account
  2. Determine the status of Jane’s mailbox delivery door, battery life and storage capacity
  3. Add a new device via the QR code on the mailbox
  4. Unlock and lock your new device
  5. Edit your device name and remove Jane from the device then save those settings
  6. Remove your device
  7. View all your notifications, then just John's mailbox notifications
  8. Find help for errors
  9. Log out

Difficulty Score (1 [very easy] - 10 [very hard])
Task No. Partcipant 1 Partcipant 2 Partcipant 3 Partcipant 4 Partcipant 5
Task No. Partcipant 1 Partcipant 2 Partcipant 3 Partcipant 4 Partcipant 5
1 6-7 1 2 2 1
2 1 1 2 1 1
3 1 2 1-2 1 1
4 1 1 1 1 1
5 2-3 1 3 3 1
6 1 1 1 1 1
7 1 1 1 1 2
8 1 2 3 1 2
9 1 1 1 1 2
Table 4: Usability Test Scores